I love trying new products, so when Eva introduced her Tallow Body Butter, I couldn’t resist giving it a go. The first thing that struck me was the gorgeous jasmine and geranium scent — it’s divine! It feels amazing on my skin, leaving it soft and hydrated without any greasiness. I even use it on my face and lips, and it works like a charm.
It quickly became a favorite, and I added it to my Christmas wish list along with the Orange Moisturiser Bar. The Moisturiser Bar is super convenient and melts effortlessly into my skin, leaving it just as soft and hydrated. I love how easy it is to use, whether at home or even when I’m stuck in traffic. It’s perfect for daily use and travels so well. Plus, it’s gentle enough for my face and lips too. Both products have become essentials in my skincare routine — I can’t recommend them enough! Thank you Eva from ForEvaPure. Review by Geraldine Let us know which of our products are your favourites and why Email Geraldine [email protected]
This month, we don’t have any new books to review, but we’d love for you to explore our fantastic book swap section! It’s a great way to enjoy some well-loved and intriguing reads without spending a penny.
Drop in and take a book that sparks your interest, and if you feel like sharing the joy, you can leave a book for someone else to enjoy. Let’s keep the love for stories and sustainability alive! Anne Maher This one has captured the angst of the awakening real foodies.. we have noted the rising numbers coming in looking for real milk with “none of that new fangled feed” that apparently keeps the bovine flatulence in control. The climate friendly milk etc. Sigh…..
Some thoughts on this one.. as a feed additive this isn’t a new concept. We will find it very difficult to avoid Bovaer throughout the food chain already..you may have avoided it in your choice of milk but probably consumed in plenty of chocolate over Christmas! Food processing involves so many interventions along the way that to actually consume the original food is difficult enough. If you rely on a label to give the “trusted” information then it is easy enough to change that and mislead you into consuming again… Feed additives are not new and our digestive systems and metabolic health are suffering for decades. All the additives along the food chain to extend shelf life and effectively act as the proverbial botox and filler to enhance the visual appeal certainly have their side effects on our health. Emulsifier, colourings, flavourings etc can cause havoc with our health and I cannot see Bovaer being different despite the assurances. I’d suggest they don’t use the term “safe and effective” in their marketing taglines. Bovaer though may be slightly different as a feed additive in that it presents a “moral” defense for its use. Who would have thought that we would be encouraged to buy a product from fart free cows to save the climate… Funny how the climate can be saved with lots of companies making money..? Where does this money come from? The farmers who have to pay to feed it to their animals? The consumers who have a premium added on to their shopping? There is a lot to be said for going direct to your local farmer and saving the climate all those wasted air miles. The infamous middlemen won’t be amused. Anne Maher You will no doubt have noticed that Raw Milk ( it deserves capitals) is not on the shelf these days. The cows are having a break from lactation and will be back in the spring as the days get longer. A common commentary is that Sean had us spoiled with raw milk provision all year round so that to now do with out shocks us out of our complacency. Tory Hill dairy was popular and delicious! We miss it! But what a lesson to learn.
Real food is not that straightforward anymore. It involves effort and commitment from not only the producer but the consumer also. Supermarket shopping has lulled us into a false sense of security with the wide variety of products continually available. Abundance replaces just enough and our instincts suffer. We loose track of seasonality and natural rhythms. We loose touch with the natural hunter gatherer in us. My sense is that the break from Raw Milk will be a good thing. Like fasting it will be a reset. Our bodies will be grateful when it returns.. In the meantime if you cannot hold out that long it may be no harm to get yourself out to an organic farm and buy direct. Get those hunter gatherer instincts fine tuned again. Real food takes effort. When a local farmer produces fantastic food close by we really need to be grateful. Perhaps deprivation is the tool we need to improve our gratitude index… Anne Maher We cooked vol au vents for starter Christmas day, instead of the usual chicken and mushroom we created our own recipe. Mushrooms were out as very very few like them, unfortunately as I do.
The chicken was replaced with cooked turkey leg, slices of cooked ham and the streaky bacon that coated the turkey. They were a total hit and very very tasty. They will definitely be back on the menu next year. In fact if there is any leftover meat we will be having them again tomorrow.... Ingredients
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January 2025
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